5 Fun Things To Do at Home with Dominoes! #StayHome

196 عدد المشاهدات
Setting up and knocking down dominoes is one of my favorite ways to pass time, especially when you're stuck in the house. So, here are 5 fun things that you can do at home with dominoes! For 5 more ideas, check out this article from my last newsletter: http://hevesh5.com/5morethings

Which of these do you think you might try?
1. Make a domino angel
2. Spell your name or initials out of dominoes
3. Build a domino project that goes down the stairs (CHALLENGE: Can you figure out how to make the dominoes go UP the stairs too?)
4. Make a chain reaction machine
5. Build a domino project for someone else

If you do any of these ideas, use the hashtag #H5dominocommunity on Instagram and Twitter to share your creation with me and the rest of the community!

Shoutout to @StickTrickDominoDude for more making the awesome Hair Drying Machine - be sure to check out his channel for more great chain reaction machine examples: http://youtube.com/sticktrickdominodude

#StayHome and build #withme!

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