750,000 DOMINOES - World Domino Collective 2022

138 عدد المشاهدات
Here is the falldown of World Domino Collective 2022 (Domino Valley), an alternate cut with other camera angles and no music! Organized by @DutchDominoTeam, this project contains 750,000 dominoes, which is the largest domino setup of the past decade! In total, we toppled 704,814 dominoes... a new amateur domino world record!

See how we built this in my behind the scenes videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqPjwT08R6ZoYRxGTX-RdEPPuoy-SRrv3

Watch the official falldown video on @DutchDominoTeam's channel: https://youtu.be/Rea4o240vo8 and make sure to subscribe to them for putting together such a spectacular domino event!


Arco Hollestelle - @arcohollica
Bart van Drogenbroek - Bartjeee09095 - @Bartjeee09095 (Instagram)
Bart Vriens - PenBdomino - youtube.com/PenBdomino
Bas Veenhoven
Dennis van Huis
Guido Hansen – Ghhumor - youtube.com/ghhumor
Ivan Kramskoy – Dominoguy - youtube.com/c/dominoguy
Jaap Verschuren
Jannes Marissen - jansie_99 - instagram.com/jansie_99/
Jochem Sakko - @jochemsakko (Instagram)
Jonathan Bahr - TheRealMcJoni - youtube.com/c/TheRealMcJoni
Larry Richlich
Lily Hevesh - Hevesh5 - youtube.com/hevesh5 instagram.com/hevesh5
Lisa Nederveen - dtdominotwin - @dtdominotwin (Instagram), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUOe1zuBOZBwkSF50aFhw4g
Marco Vorbusch - Rollercoaster3freak - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCivR5cYW7s-m6HVeM020tZw
Michael Aitchison - Micajo Domino - youtube.com/c/micajodomino
Mitchell Ebbers
Parcival Koopman – Pako’s Pompservice
Peter van Otterdijk
Pim Vriens - PenBdomino - youtube.com/PenBdomino
Ricardo Rinkel - ricardorinkel - @ricardorinkel (Instagram)
Roger Roelofsma
Sanne Nederveen - dtdominotwin - @dtdominotwin (Instagram), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUOe1zuBOZBwkSF50aFhw4g
Seppe Lesenne - Domino Dummies - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk4GkAC8BU5ChjsGME24wiA
Steffen Trog - @TheDominoator
Thibault Lesne - Tibomino - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5XCyCq-bLbrgb4a6qrFSHg
Thomas Bosboom - Webguy1000 - youtube.com/user/WEBGUY1000
Thomas van Wely - Thomas van Wely - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC7NM1Ay4sr4K8J3pkCbpcA
Tobias Demuth – Midobo - youtube.com/c/midobo1
Wasilja Peterse - Wdomino - youtube.com/wdomino
William Ford - Willford Music - youtube.com/willford-music
Wim van Otterdijk - Wim van Otterdijk/ToroAzulDDD - youtube.com/user/ToroAzulDDD
Wout Dutoit - BE domino - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCadiF2nkaqujl_f1o8RgIig

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