
ISM 2017: Game On! Official Trailer

326 عدد المشاهدات
Zeal Credit Union’s Incredible Science Machine: Game On!
July 30th 2 pm @ Trillium Academy, Taylor MI
Watch the previous ISM events! ► http://bit.ly/ISMfalldowns

Zeal Credit Union presents the 3rd annual Incredible Science Machine event featuring 250,000 dominoes and chain reactions. Tickets will be available at Zeal Credit Union branch locations starting July 1st. We are asking for a suggested donation of $5.00 per ticket that will benefit DAPCEP (Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program). See the record breaking event July 30th @ 2 pm at Trillium Academy in Taylor Michigan! Email tsweet@zealcu.org for more information.

Incredible Science Machine: http://www.incrediblesciencemachine.com/
Zeal Credit Union: https://zealcreditunion.org/
DAPCEP: http://www.dapcep.org/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1061431993988788/

Steve Price - Sprice Machines
Lily Hevesh - Hevesh5
Lyle Broughton - jackofallspades98
Nathan Heck - SuperMarMarMan1
Joel Yantha - TheInvention11
Alex Huang - Flashdomino
Mark Robbins - DoodleChaos
Brayden Dolan - bpdoles
Chase Blanchette - TheRGMGuy01
Hayden Russell - Dynamic Domino
Evan Voeltner - E VoltageRGMs
Marcel Pürrer - Austrian Domino Art
Timothy Dunsmore - DrComplicated
Alexandra Benz - DominoERDMANN
Michael Fantauzzo - StickTrickDominoDude
Sascha Wilzewski - DominoFan0803
Joseph Naberhaus - jdman1699
Joel Dähler - Smileypeacefun
Chris Wright - xXDominoMasterXx

Get your very own signed Hevesh5 domino (yes, one of my own dominoes used in videos!), H5 shirts, domino posters, and more! ► http://hevesh5.com/store/

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